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andrew stubbs kundalini reiki master and teacher

Andrew Stubbs

A little bit of my story...

From the very beginning, my life has been a tapestry of challenges and triumphs, woven together by experiences that have shaped the person I am today. Born under the shadow of a traumatic birth, I entered this world as a 'blue' baby, with the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around my neck. This harrowing start to life resulted in a profound hearing loss, rendering me deaf from a tender age. But rather than seeing it as a setback, I've always viewed my deafness as a unique gift. It heightened my other senses, allowing me to perceive the world in ways that many might never experience.


Growing up, I quickly realized that I didn't quite fit the mold of the 'normal' kids around me. My perspectives were often different, perhaps a result of the challenges I faced or the unique lens through which I viewed the world. Night terrors haunted my younger years, and I grappled with many inner demons. By the time I transitioned into young adulthood, I had already journeyed through a myriad of spiritual experiences, faced the depths of depression, and also touched the peaks of profound awakenings.


About a decade ago, while searching for a remedy for my mother's second bout with cancer, I stumbled upon Usui Reiki. The moment I discovered it, a voice, clear and distinct, whispered from behind, "That one." Trusting this intuitive nudge, I delved deep into the world of Reiki, progressing steadily to the master level. Each step brought with it new awakenings and transformations, deaths, and rebirths of my inner self.


My journey with Reiki took a transformative turn when I encountered Quantum Reiki. This advanced form of energy healing opened my eyes to the boundless potential of the quantum field. My understanding of energy deepened, and my abilities grew exponentially more potent.


However, life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, led me down a challenging path once again. My marriage faced turbulent times, and I found solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol. The vice of smoking further clouded my judgment. The once bright flame of my connection to Reiki began to flicker, and the enlightenment that had once illuminated my soul started to dim.


However, the universe had other plans. A few years back, after the dust of my divorce had settled, I chanced upon Kundalini Reiki. Determined to rekindle my bond with Reiki, I invested days and months into strengthening my connection. The moment I was attuned to the master level of Kundalini Reiki, my world transformed. Time became fluid, past lives revealed themselves, and manifesting my dreams became second nature. The profound connection I felt with Kundalini Reiki was nothing short of magical. It was as if I had finally found my life's purpose.


Embracing this newfound purpose, I renounced my vices, turning to meditation, self-healing, and a healthier lifestyle. Nature became my sanctuary, and I found solace in its embrace. Today, I am on a mission to touch as many lives as I can with the gift of Reiki. Through courses, blogs, and personal interactions, I aim to spread love, light, and healing. If my journey resonates with even one soul, if I can make a difference in a single life, I consider my purpose fulfilled.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope our paths cross, and we get to share a part of our journeys together. May we walk in love, light, and healing.



Andrew Stubbs

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