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Moldavite: The Extraterrestrial Stone with Profound Powers

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Have you ever held a stone and felt an inexplicable connection to the cosmos? Moldavite is one such gem that not only resonates with Earth's vibrations but also carries the energies of the extraterrestrial world. Dive deep into the enigmatic world of Moldavite and uncover its profound meanings, properties, and powers.

The Enigma of Moldavite

Moldavite, often dubbed the stone for the new age, is unique in its origin and properties. Its energies, a blend of our planet's vibrations and those of the extraterrestrial realm, create a potent frequency that many feel upon mere contact. Even those typically indifferent to crystal vibrations report a distinct sensation when introduced to Moldavite.

A Stone Born from the Stars

Moldavite's birth is a tale of cosmic collision. About 15 million years ago, a massive meteorite crashed into Earth, resulting in a molten rock "strew field." As it cooled, it gave birth to the green tektites we now know as Moldavite. Its rarity is accentuated by the fact that it hasn't been discovered anywhere else on Earth.

Spiritual Resonance of Moldavite

Moldavite's spiritual significance is unparalleled. It's not just a stone; it's a transformative force. Its power can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for those sensitive to energy. But, when used judiciously, it can transmute consciousness in ways unimaginable.

Physical and Metaphysical Attributes

Moldavite's green hue varies in shades, often appearing wrinkled or folded. Composed mainly of silica-rich glass, it's transparent or translucent and ranks between 5.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. Beyond its physical properties, Moldavite's metaphysical attributes are what truly captivate. From aiding in connecting with one's Higher Self to transcending time, its capabilities are vast and varied.

Harnessing Moldavite's Powers

Whether you're looking to amplify the vibrations of other crystals or heal the Heart Chakra, Moldavite is your go-to stone. Its protective powers can shield against the negative effects of artificial lighting and computers. By placing it on your workspace, you can maintain a harmonious environment.

The Transformative Benefits of Moldavite

Moldavite is not just a gem; it's a beacon of cosmic energy with numerous benefits:

- Energetic Blueprint Alteration: Many attest to Moldavite's ability to modify their energetic blueprint, leading to profound personal transformations.

- DNA Recoding: It's believed to have the power to recode DNA, potentially altering the structure and makeup of cells where discomfort or disease resides.

- Emotional Healing: Moldavite can free individuals from illnesses caused by emotional blockages, enabling self-healing by releasing unhelpful behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

- Enhanced Spiritual Connection: The stone aids in connecting with one's Higher Self, Ascended Masters, and accessing information from Akashic records.

- Time Transcendence: One of its unique metaphysical properties is its ability to transcend time, making it invaluable for past life regression and exploring one's soul path across time dimensions.

- Amplification of Other Crystals: When used in conjunction with other crystals, Moldavite can amplify their vibrations, enhancing their inherent properties.

- Protection: It offers a shield against negative energies, especially from artificial sources like computers and lighting, promoting a harmonious environment.

Incorporating Moldavite into your spiritual and healing practices can unlock doors to dimensions previously unexplored, offering a journey of deep introspection and cosmic connection.

The Key to Salvation

Many believe Moldavite holds the key to humanity's salvation. While this might sound ambitious, countless testimonies vouch for its power to alter one's energetic blueprint. From re-coding DNA to healing emotional blockages, Moldavite's potential seems boundless. If you gaze into a clear piece of Moldavite, especially during a meditation session, you will find it easier to connect with both your Higher Self and the Higher Powers of the cosmos.


Moldavite is not just a stone; it's a cosmic bridge connecting us to the universe's vast expanse. Its transformative powers, both spiritual and healing, make it an invaluable asset for those on a journey of self-discovery and growth. If you're ready to transcend the ordinary and tap into the extraordinary, it's time to embrace the magic of Moldavite.

Do you have any experience with Moldavite? I would love to hear your story in the comments!

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Andrew Stubbs

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Sep 18, 2023


The challenge I have is sourcing authentic crystals. Do you have a go to for purchasing your crystals or can anyone engaged in this share advice?

Love and Light

Lindsay ♥️

Andrew Stubbs
Andrew Stubbs
Sep 18, 2023
Replying to

Hey Lindsay,

My go to source in the UK is Shaun at Moldavite UK, unfortunately as of writing this reply he only has a selection of small pieces due to trade issues with Russia, he is fully genuine and a nice guy, so it's worth keeping a eye on his website and facebook page.

Hope that helps 😁

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